Moss picture care & preserved moss wall art maintenance
What is preserved moss wall art?
A moss wall is a decorative wall that has been covered with preserved moss. The moss is typically gathered from natural environments and then preserved in a way that allows it to be used as an art form.
As preserved moss walls are not made of living plants, they don’t grow and thus don’t require elaborate care such as watering, trimming or regular soil exchange. Another advantage is that no bugs, birds or other species will try to build a home in your green wall piece!
Moss wall art has been a growing trend for a while now. Moss walls are a great way to add texture and color to your work space or your home. They can be used as a standalone design piece or as an accent wall in your office, the entrance area, a meeting room or even the bathroom.

Preparing your moss wall
Before you begin, there are a few things to consider:

- Installation instructions: The installation instructions for your moss wall will vary depending on the type of product you purchase and how it was made. Read through these carefully before beginning so that you know what tools are required and how best to handle the installation process. We provide step-by-step installation instructions for different types of moss and plant products. You can find these here: How to install your green wall, moss panels or Moss Plus product
- Post-installation considerations: Once installed, your new piece needs regular care in order to maintain its appearance over a long time. For example, keep track of where light sources are located relative to where people might stand when viewing this type of decor item – too much direct sunlight can cause damage over time!
How to care for moss wall art
In order to care for moss wall art, you should follow these easy cleaning tips:
- Use a soft cloth to wipe the moss wall surface. Avoid cleaning agents of any kind (even mild ones) or harsh chemicals like bleach or ammonia, as they can damage your wall art!
- If you notice any dust or dirt on your preserved moss wall, simply wipe it off with a dry cloth or carefully vacuum if necessary, for example with a hand-held vacuum cleaner set to a low level.
- If your moss wall art has a frame, for example made of MDF, you can of course use a damp cloth to wipe it down regularly, but be careful not to get any water on the plants.

Preserved moss wall art maintenance
Maintaining your moss wall is in fact easy, but there are a few common issues that can arise. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

- Your moss wall is too dry. If the plants on your preserved wall look parched and shriveled, it's probably because the humidity in the room is too low. To remedy this problem, place an air humidifier near the wall (you'll want one that emits cool mist) and leave it running for a while. Attention: Please do not add moisture by spraying water directly onto the surface of the preserved moss art or misting it with water from a spray bottle.
- Your preserved moss art has become discolored or faded over time due to exposure to direct sunlight or heat from lamps or other sources of light – this is especially common if you live in an area where temperatures fluctuate widely throughout different seasons (i.e., sunny summers followed by cold winters). Pay attention to these factors when you choose a spot to install your new moss wall art piece, because once it has been damaged by UV light or heat, there isn't much you can do about it – except replace your old piece with something new!

Preserved reindeer moss care
One of the most popular moss types is reindeer moss, otherwise known as deer moss or caribou moss. And rightfully so, as its fluffy texture and bright colours brighten up every space.
Reindeer moss is actually not even a moss, but a moss-like lichen, which is a symbiotic organism composed of algae and fungi. Fun fact: reindeer moss is technically edible, but please don't try to eat your preserved reindeer moss under any circumstances!
Reindeer moss is often the first to become dry and brittle if the conditions are not right, i.e. the humidity level is too low. But not too worry, as its also easy to remedy: If your reindeer moss wall art or reindeer moss backdrop looks a little thirsty, just place an air humidifier beneath or close to it for a few hours. And voilà, your fluffy green lichen looks as good as new!
Reindeer moss may actually get dry and soften up again from time to time, depending on the room's humidity. This does usually not cause any harm to the product.
So overall, moss wall art care is very easy in the case of reindeer moss. Just watch the humidity levels and give it a light dusting every once in a while, and you'll be fine.
Preserved plant art care
Signs of moss wall wear and damage & when to replace your green wall art
Despite even the best preserved moss care, it's natural for moss walls to show signs of wear and tear over time. If you notice any of the following issues, it may be time to replace your moss wall:
- Moss is falling off in large chunks or sheets. This can happen if it's not attached properly or if there's too much moisture buildup on the surface where the moss has been applied. It also happens when there isn't enough air circulation around your wall art piece; this causes moisture buildup behind the piece, which leads to rot and decay in its structure (and eventually results in falling pieces). This usually has nothing to do with the quality of the products, but rather with the conditions in its environment.
- The coloration has changed significantly from what was originally intended. If you've had your piece for several years now and notice that its colors have faded significantly since installation – or even changed completely due to exposure to direct sunlight – it might be time for an update!

Learn more about green walls and different types of moss, such as reindeer moss, on our dedicated product page. If you already have an idea for your next wall greenery item, you can submit it below and receive a free offer including a mock-up!