How long does a neon sign last?
When you invest in your brand or your company, you naturally want to find out in advance what you're actually spending money on. When budgeting for signage, it's not just the look that counts, the quality is also a decisive factor – as is the expected lifespan.
After we have already taken a closer look at the follow-up costs when buying signs with the power consumption of neon and LED neon, today we answer the question: How long do neon signs actually last?
How long do glass neon signs last?
Since this legitimate question, which is often asked by potential customers, unfortunately cannot be answered so easily, you will find different statements about the durability of neon tubes everywhere. With a little research, you can find contradictory or far-reaching numbers such as eight, ten or 15 years or time spans of 30,000 to 60,000 hours.
The fact is that the service life of classic glass neon tubes is influenced by a number of factors:
Choosing the right transformer model is essential for the longevity and correct functioning of a neon sign.
Nevertheless, the transformer and high-voltage cables may show signs of wear after some time, which is primarily related to the intensity of use. Environmental influences such as permanent direct sunlight or permanent proximity to heat sources (e.g. radiators) can also lead to faster wear of the electrical parts.
Certain types of use can accelerate the wear of the electrical accessories: Flashing and flickering effects, for example, put a lot of stress on a transformer and should therefore be used sparingly.
Even if it seems rather counterintuitive, neon lamps with "plug & play" function should not be plugged and unplugged too often, as this can also stress the power supply in the long run. It is better to turn the sign on and off by switch.
It's obvious, but with proper care you can enjoy your neon longer. Regular dusting or wiping with a slightly damp cloth will keep the sign longer radiant. But please be sure to turn off the power first! The same applies to the power supply unit, as transformers suitable for indoor use in particular are not completely sealed against dust and dirt.
Do neon lights burn out?
Strictly speaking, no – neon tubes do not just stop glowing for no reason. If a neon no longer glows or glows only dimly, in most cases this is due to the transformer or the cables. The high voltage cables (HV cables) that connect the neon to the power supply or, in the case of larger signs, the individual glass elements to each other, can in very rare cases overheat and fail if used too intensively. However, this should not happen with proper use.
Electrical components like transformers and cables can be replaced quickly and easily. You can find individual parts to reorder in our online store. If you are unsure which transformer model to buy, contact our team!

Another aspect to consider is possible damage to the glass tubes due to external influences. For example, if a single glass element (system) gradually loses luminosity, the reason may be, in addition to the electrical accessories (as described above), a break or crack in the glass through which gas escapes. Do not worry, this is not harmful to people, but the hairline cracks can be so fine that they are not visible to the naked eye.
Damage to the glass tube cannot be repaired, so the affected element must be reproduced and replaced. If your neon is behaving abnormally – e.g. flickering or visibly reduced brightness – and no clear defects are detectable, please contact our support team for further action.
Over time, the gas content of the neon tube may decrease due to physical processes. Theoretically, it is possible to refill the gas. However, since this is a logistically and financially very costly undertaking, it is usually more efficient to replace the glass element in question.
How long do LED neon signs last?
Fortunately, with LED Neon and other products that use LEDs as illuminants, things are a bit more manageable. Since the small lights are very sturdy, they are less susceptible to damage from external factors, such as shipping breakage. Therefore, in the vast majority of cases, the lifespan of LED neon, LED letters and the like is not dramatically shortened by damage.
So how long do LEDs last? Most commercially available LED modules have a service life of around 50,000 hours. Based on this, it's easy to calculate that with regular use, you'll be able to enjoy your illuminated logo or lettering for several years. In comparison, glass neon and LED neon actually have a similar overall lifespan.
How long can you leave a neon sign on?
In principle, there are no limits from a product-based perspective on how long you can leave a neon or LED neon sign on. However, with continuous operation, you should be aware that the overall lifespan is likely to be shortened.
Separately, with outdoor advertising, it is also important to note that there may be local regulations regarding the daily operating time of neon signs. The responsible district office in your city can provide information on this.
The amount of energy required can also be a relevant factor in planning how long you want your illuminated sign to shine every day.
My neon sign no longer works – what should I do?
If your neon or LED product glows less brightly or not at all after some time, you should first check it for visible damage as described above and document any damages photographically if possible.
All Sygns products have a two-year warranty. You can find information about damage and claims in our warranty card and FAQ. Our support team will be happy to answer any other questions you may have.
Now that you are fully informed, time to start your own project!