Berlinale is one of the world's leading film festival. Gathering the best of the industry it ends with the attribution of a Golden Bear to the best movie.
The whole week, Berlin is bubbling with events and activities. Taking place all around this amazing city, Berlinale is definitely a special time in Berliners' life. Tickets are always hard to get and people queue for hours in the hope of grabbing a seat for a premiere.
An institution that was founded in 1951 in West Berlin, Berlinale is not to be missed.
We are proud to have been able to be a tiny part of the celebrations and produce the neons for this very special Berlin momentum.
The whole week, Berlin is bubbling with events and activities. Taking place all around this amazing city, Berlinale is definitely a special time in Berliners' life. Tickets are always hard to get and people queue for hours in the hope of grabbing a seat for a premiere.
An institution that was founded in 1951 in West Berlin, Berlinale is not to be missed.
We are proud to have been able to be a tiny part of the celebrations and produce the neons for this very special Berlin momentum.